Skating with the Best: Explore the Atlanta Amateur Hockey League
Adult hockey teams playing at The Ice are part of the Atlanta Amateur Hockey League (AAHL). This league is the oldest, largest, premier adult recreational hockey league in Atlanta. The overall league is comprised of 5 sub-leagues, each with several divisions of teams based on the players’ skills.
Sticktime | Mon, Wed, & FRI
12:10PM - 2:10PM
$15 for in person & $18.00 for call ahead
Call ahead reservation begins at 10:00 AM on Mondays and Wednesdays and 8:45 AM on Fridays
Program Information
*Session have limited players so Drop In may not be available.
4 Week Adult Hockey Clinic
Feb 4, 2024 - feb 25, 2025
4-Week Program
Per skater
Drop In Session
Adult clinics for any level that are looking to improve their overall hockey experience.
Each week will cover skills for all parts of the game.